Saturday, September 29, 2012

Monster High: C.A. Cupid

I ordered my Cupid from's webshop, and when opening the package I found out that she had some paint flaws:
AS you can clearly see, her eyes aren't the same size at all, giving her a really derp-her-durrr-hurrr -look. As much as I wanted all my "real" dolls to be untouched (not repainted or rerooted or anything), I just couldn't stand her face.
FIrst I tried to repaint her by myself, but my criterias were way too high for myself, and I decided to ask some help from my very artistic friend Athene Nocturna.

She had never painted a doll before, but my trust in her artistic skills was so high that I gave it to her anyway.
Here's her pics from the painting process:

As I expected, she did terrific job!

Things I like in Cupid:
- Her hands and legs - I love the gradient black, and the mesh texture look cool too.
- Her wings  -ribcage wings, who could NOT love them?!
- Her ring - awesome little detail!
- Hair - I like that it's quite short.

Things I don't like in (original )Cupid:
- The thing in the top of her head - What is it, an antenna?
- (Original) Lips. I know what they're supposed to be, but the execution is weak. I'm sure they could paint better heart-shaped lips for her at factory.

Her shoes:

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